Labour Councillors in Cardiff are demanding the replacement of playground equipment which has been removed from more than 25 parks across the City. The Council Parks Department have removed the equipment which has failed health and safety tests in many cases without notice and information obtained by Labour Councillors reveals that they are planning to take out equipment in a further 11 parks in the coming months. Parents and children have complained that their play areas are being torn down with no notice and no promises of replacement and Labour Councillors have blamed the Lib Dem Administration's poor budget management for the unacceptable delays in replacing playground equipment.
Labour Councillors have submitted a notice of motion for consideration at the Council meeting on 25th January for all the play equipment to be replaced by July 2007 in time for children to use it during the Summer holidays.
Labour Deputy Leader, Cardiff North Assembly Candidate and mum of three, Sophie Howe said: "Children across the City have been devastated by the loss of their much loved play areas. In some cases all of the equipment has been removed leaving a derelict park and in others certain pieces of equipment has been taken leaving only a few items for children to play on. Play areas make a huge contribution to the community not just as places for children to play but also as places where they use up their endless energy and where their parents can meet up with other mums and dads. The removal of this equipment is hitting the heart of the community and leaving parents and children with nowhere to go."
She continued:
"The Welsh Assembly Government has identified play as critically important to all children in the development of their social, mental, emotional and creative skills and have advised Council's to ensure that adequate provision is made for children's play."
Councillor Christine Priday who is seconding the motion said:
"It is right that equipment which is not safe to use should be removed but the Council must take steps to ensure that new equipment is installed immediately. It appears that the Lib Dem's inability to manage the City's finances is hitting even our youngest residents. They have made no provision in the budget for the replacement of this play equipment and so children across the city are suffering as a consequence."
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