Cardiff Council's budget is spiralling out of control according to Leader of the Opposition Councillor Greg Owens. Just two weeks ago the Lib Dem Administration were forced to admit that the budget was expected to be £6 million overspent and issues instructions for drastic cuts across Council services. But under questioning today by members of the Policy Review and Performance Scrutiny Committee Councillor Stephens, Lib Dem Executive Member for Finance admitted that the projected overspend has increased to £7 million.
The Administration has failed to make efficiency savings which they proposed as part of this year's budget. Labour Councillors have previously warned that their budget proposals were unrealistic and did not stack up.
Labour Leader, Councillor Greg Owens said:
"The inability of the Lib Dem Administration to get to grips with governance has led to a situation where the Council's budget is spiralling out of control. This is yet another example of mis-management which will have a direct impact on Council services."
Further criticism has been levelled at the Administration for failing to tell the Council all the budgetary information when the budget was set in February. Officers today confirmed that when the Council met in February to set the budget, up to date information showing a likely overspend in Adult Services were given to the Lib Dem Administration. This information was not shared with Councillors.
Labour Finance Spokesperson Councillor John Sheppard said:
"If this information was made available it would have re-enforce the case put by Labour in the budget debate that the budget proposed by the Lib Dem Administration was unachievable. The fact is the Lib Dems are in a mess and all of this was predictable."